Brain Stimulation System FP


Research Backed Multi-Sensory Technology Effortlessly Exercises Your Brain Like A Muscle Helping It Stay Younger, Healthier & Stress Free With The Ability To Tap Into Your Limitless Creative Imagination At A Touch Of A Button.

7 Levels Of Cutting Edge Trypnaural Brainwave Audio Sessions ($97)
7 Levels Of Mind Massaging Trypnaural Hypno-Fractal Sessions ($197)
2 Powerful Breathobics Exercises For Tapping Into Your Inner Power ($27)
Total Value ($321) Only Pay $97 Today

Category: SKU: 23


Get Access To 7 Levels Of Brain Stimulation

Raising The Vibrational Energy Of Your Brain For More Health, Wealth & Happiness

Deep Delta Sleep

If insomnia or getting to sleep at night is an issue then you this 50 minute trypnaural brainwave entrainment session, designed to give you the most soothing, still and restful experience you will ever have by taking you into the deepest level of delta.

Alpha/Theta Healing

This session will help you in your journey to recovery from any chronic stress related condition. The alpha/theta cross is associated with the healing state where this 50 minute session will take you for profound self healing and relaxation.


Instant Stress Relief

This session will help you in your journey to recovery from any chronic stress related condition. The alpha/theta cross is associated with the healing state where this 50 minute session will take you for profound self healing and relaxation.


Alpha Awakening

Awaken your mind to the profound powers of the alpha brainwave level. Get an instant burst of creativity to attract genius ideas and activate out of the box thinking to solve complex problems.

Midbrain Power

Your midbrain connects both your left and right hemispheres of your brain. It is also the seat of your pineal gland and pituitary gland, masters controllers of your endocrines system. By stimulating your midbrain using this special brainwave audio you can awaken dormant functions of your ‘third eye’ and activate whole brain potential for greater intuition, confidence, mental clarity and cognitive function.

Dream Tapping

If you are looking to solve a problem, spark your creativity, download inspiration ideas or experience things like lucid dreaming and astral projection then this 50 minute brainwave session will take you to the mystical Key Of OM. This is a deep 4hz theta level where the dream world awakens and you can tap into the power of your creative imagination.

Gamma Power

This is a  30 minute Trypnaural Gamma session for peak concentration, inspiration and personal power. This track was produced inside the world’s largest meditation pyramid in Bangalore, India, The apex of a pyramid symbolises the highest level of integrity, knowledge and power. The apex of human brainwave frequencies are called Gamma waves of 24hz and higher. They have been associated with peak concentration, and your brains optimal cognitive functioning. This track will take you to the highest levels of gamma and beyond.





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