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L.O.V.E Music V1

Trypnaural Ultra music and Hypno-Fractal video technology designed to raise your vibrational energy, boost alpha, theta and gamma waves to enhance the power of creative imagination and intentional meditation.

Including a bonus Power Breathing tutorial used by super human yogis for supercharging your system for more energy, health, vitality and creating an inner magnetic power of attraction.

Combine this with the bonus SMART Manifesting System and you have a power ritual for creating your own perfect reality.

Instantly Download Magnetic Music & Bonuses For Just $47 $11.11

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RebeccaLynn Bologna

After going through this meditation I not only felt energized and ready for my day but I had a clear plan of what my steps were going to be. I set my intention and the download I received will take me there and close that gap on time! Highly recommend this for anyone who is waking up to their purpose and wants to continually move forward!

Dr Tera Maxwell

The combination of the music & the instruction is brilliant. It is is easy to follow everyday as a practice. And I reached a deep meditative state in 20 min that would normally take me 1 hour to reach on my own.

202062-Think-And-Grow-Rich-The-Way-To-Personal-AchievementNapolean Hill's Think and Grow Rich is one of the best selling books of all time. It has made more millionaires and successful people than any other book.

In this book he reveals the Law Of Vibration. The simple explanation is that when you feel good, the quality of your thoughts become good.

Your life is just a series of decisions. You are more likely to make good decisions when they are based on high quality thoughts and at a high vibrational energy.

Your vibrational energy is related to your emotional energy.

As shown by quantum physics, everything in the universe is composed of a singular energy.

Each quanta of energy vibrates at a specific frequency.

The grand total of all vibrations of the cells in your body results in your own unique overall frequency.

You can measure your own frequency state right now.

It is a direct relationship to how you feel.

Your emotions are an expression of your energetic state.

Consider this statement:

L.O.V.E – Level Of Vibrational Energy

Think about the people you really admire and who are already living the lives that you want to manifest.

What emotions do you think they feel most of the time?

Peace – HIGHEST ENERGY (Love for all)








Apathy – LOWEST ENERGY (No love)

The highest energetic state (love for all) is peace and the lowest state (no love) is apathy.

The more you operate at any of the frequency states, the more ATTRACTIVE you become to things that also operate at those frequencies.

If you live with fear, you will attract more fear; if you live with joy, you will attract more joy.

This is the natural law of the universe.

I managed to lose it all when I started to operate mostly in the frequency range of anger, fear and grief.

Do you think anyone wanted to hang out with me in those states?

People want to be around positive, happy and confident people!

So, in order to attract those high energetic states of peace and joy, you MUST continuously raise your energetic value.

There are several ways to do this:

1. Live a life of passion – focus on things you really love to do

2. Be of value to others and do go beyond the call of duty – if you over deliver in your life, work and business you will create raving fans from your friends, family, customers and colleagues.

3. Be grateful for what you already have – when you have gratitude, your physiology instantly changes and your feel more peaceful. You are very fortunate to have everything you already have in this world. Remember over 50% of the world’s population live on less that $2 a day.

4. Stay humble – as soon as you believe you know it all, it’s game over for the manifestation process. Your subconscious stops receiving constructive information and you stop growing.

5. Exercise regularly, meditate, do yoga, and use mind stimulation tools like music. - Your whole mind is your body; the more you use it, the higher your energy becomes.

Your thoughts become things and who you are on the inside governs who you are on the outside in terms of how you navigate through life.

When you set intentions and visualize goals in the highest vibrational state your intention gets programmed deep into your subconscious mind.

It's like a powerful form of self hypnosis for making your mind move you towards the destination you want to go in.

When you raise feel good hormones like serotonin and dopamine you also produce more energy to reach your goals.

Use L.O.V.E Music to raise your vibrational energy and switch on your inner magnetism during your meditation and visualization practice.

Combine this with the Power Breathing technique which is a powerful breathwork exercise used by super human himalayan yogis to create the highest vibrational states so they can tap into higher states of consciousness.

This will lead to a burst of alpha, theta and gamma wave production that is associated with peak mental cognitive states.

When you feel good your quality of thoughts become good and you will be able to make good decisions leading you to your perfect life.

Included is my special SMART Manifesting System. This is my special process that involves a technique I call Dimensional Meditation for raising vibrations, visualizing and creating my perfect reality.

I believe this ritual has led me to go from chronic illness and housebound with debt and depression to an incredible life of endless summers, optimum health, having a mastermind group of the worlds best therapists, entrepreneurs and even certified super human yogis!

Most people miss out the important details that actually make manifesting work and often we attract things we really don't want.

So here you will find an intelligent way to create your own perfect reality that is based on strong scientific principles and a deep study of successful people and their daily habits.


This video is exactly what I needed to see to break it down and visually show me what to do while doing this technique!! Very powerful stuff. The next 90 days are going to be great!!!

- Jamie Boggeln

What Do You Get In This Special Offer:

1. L.O.V.E Music V1 - 11 Trypnaural Ultra tracks for raising vibrational energy and a background to any meditation or yoga practice.

2. 3 Powerful Hypno-Fractal Videos With Sacred Mandalas - Use this for focusing your intention during meditation. The hypno-fractal videos are very soothing and also help boost alpha brainwaves for a variety of stress relieving and brain stimulating benefits.

3. Power Breathing – A secret super human yogi breathing technique to raise your vibrational energy and create inner magnetism.

4. SMART Manifesting – A complete system based on scientific principles to help you attract and create your own perfect reality.

5. Dimensional Meditation - Generate high vibrational energy that will link positive emotions and good feelings to your goals and visions.

Perform this ritual using a combination of the breathwork techniques you have learned in the previous steps including the Trypnaural audio technology that will help you elevate your state.

Instantly Download The Full 50 Minute Audio & Visual Session For Just $47 $11.11

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Introducing Trypnaural Brainwave Entrainment Meditation

The Most Cutting Edge Brainwave Entrainment Music & Meditations Perfect For Therapists, Sound Healers & Anyone Who Wants To Go Deeper With Meditation In A Faster Time.

  • Results In A Faster Time - works in 15 minutes or less
  • Reduce stress, enjoy deep sleep, be more focused, activate your whole brain, increase mind power, even start or expand your business with the resell license
  • Side Effect Free - meditation is proven to help with depression, ADHD, high blood pressure without side effects.
Haritha, Pyramid Valley

I meditated with your serotonin sunrise meditation music and chanted my mantra to it. This experience was too profound. It was so overwhelming that I don't know what sadness or longing memory got triggered in my subconscious mind that made me cry. I have no words to explain. It was such an emotional release and I felt so connected to the universal consciousness. Thanks so much for such music.

John, USA

I would like to give you a big digital hug of gratitude for your unbelievable brainwave entrainment music. I have used nearly every program I could find starting almost 5 years ago ranging from Hemi-sync, Holo-sync, BMV, Yogic Sound, and several others, but none of them compare to the sheer brilliance and efficacy of your work.

Highest Quality Audio Format

Instantly download all the content in the highest quality 320kbps mp3 format that is the closest you will find to CD quality. (most other sites use inferior 128kbps mp3s that actually cause stress on the brain due to low audio quality)

How Can You Control Your Brainwave State?


For many thousands of years spiritual sages, rishis, yogis, shamans, monks, whatever you would like to call them, have been perfecting the process of meditation to induce deep meditative states. They would have to spend many hours a day of quieting the mind and controlling their brainwave states.


This is just not practical for most people to do in their hectic modern lifestyles. Fortunately with the advances of modern technology you can, using specially designed audio technology, train your minds to achieve whatever states you want just after a few short sessions.


The old method of doing this was using specially embedded binaural beats.


How Do Binaural Beats Work?


When you play two separate frequencies in each ear, say 140 Hz and 149 Hz, the difference in frequency is 9 hz. Your brain compensates for this difference and a third tone of 9 Hz is experienced. This will result in your brain being raised or lowered and tuned into the desired frequency. This is how binaural beats are produced. Headphones are essential for this to work. This is the least effective of all brainwave technologies.


Trypnaural meditations use the most effective and current of all brainwave entrainment technologies available today called "Isochronic Tones"


How Do Isochronic Tones Work?


These are by far the most powerful and effective brain trainers. They work by utilising equal intensity tones and increasing the pulse speed to synchronise your brain with the rhythm. The more distinct and clear wave from harmonises your brain much faster. The effects can be felt without headphones, but using them will greatly enhance the effects.


This actually mimics the same methods used by the ancient tribesman who would beat their drums to a special rhythm. Trynaural Meditations are specially designed to produce exactly the right frequencies in your brain to produce the desired benefits.


The combination of isochronic tones with specially designed sounds and music is what creates the full effect of state change and stress reduction.

How Trypnaural Ultra Works

During my own personal research I discovered a strange relationship between music, brainwaves and the harmonic pulse of our planet known as the Schumann Resonance.


I discovered that music played with a hypnotic arpeggiated groove at 120bpm and 60bpm would sync perfectly with alpha and theta brainwaves and the Earth's magnetic pulse.


This is what led to the development of my brand new style of brainwave entrainment that is more musical and works much faster than anything else online.

How Trypnaural B.E Works

Trypnaural meditations use the most effective and current of all brainwave entrainment technologies available today called 'Isochronic Tones'



Trypnaural vs Binaural Beats?


Trypnaural B.E uses the most advanced and modern form of brainwave entrainment called isochronic tones fused with professional meditation music produced by amAya.


Trypnaural Ultra uses a novel form of brainwave entrainment that syncs to alpha and theta brainwaves for fast trance induction - harmonizing your brainwaves for whole brain function.


Experience Many Benefits That Last After Just One Session


The expertly crafted Trypnaural sessions are designed to not only help you have the deepest sleep you have ever experienced, but using the special 'Scientific Prayers' you can literally rewire your subconscious mind to boost your immune system and tune your mind for peak mental performance when you wake up the very next day.


How Do I Get The Most Benefit From Trypnaural Meditations?


To gain the full benefit of Trypnaural products it is recommend that you listen to it through stereo head phones (headphones not essential), making sure that you are lying or sitting comfortably in a safe environment. The best time to use these sessions are at night before you want to go to sleep.


Are There Any Side Effects Of Trypnaural?


There are no known side effects. If you are on medication or have any health concerns please speak to your doctor first.


Royalty Free License


The relaxing music, sounds, meditations and brainwave entrainment sessions is royalty free music, great for CD audio backgrounds, video music production, websites, music on hold, background music in spas, retail hotels, restaurants.


You do not need to have a performance license to play this music, so this is perfect for yoga teachers and others who do not want to spend an extortionate amount on license fees.


However this does not apply to those who are wishing to use this music for commercial purposes such as advertising and reselling of the original material.


Please contact me if you wish to use this music for those purposes. You do however have 100% resell rights to sell the customized meditations that you produce with the material provided.


Instantly Download The Full 50 Minute Audio & Visual Session For Just $27 $11.11

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Johnny, USA Army

Being in the Army I have endured the hardest stress of my life. I always knew deep within me that I was different. I saw this in everyone else around me. I knew I had to unlock the power within me first before I could help everyone around me. Even just last night I fell asleep listening to Trypnaural meditations and was forced to awaken feeling different parts of my brain opening, and parts I have never felt before! So I know I am on the right path and have found the right place to go to! So thanks Trypnaural!

Vikaas, India

For the 1st time I heard their live music performance at The 6th GCSS (Global Congress of Spiritual Scientists) I was was not aware of what is going to be played. While meditating into this trance I don't know what happened to me & I was feeling wow, It was really different from all others I have heard before. It was totally an experience which cannot be explained in words. I would recommend Trypnaural to all who those want to go more deep onto meditation. Thank you amAya for making such incredible music.

Dr Millett Dr Millett, I have over 15 years of experience as a therapist and Trypnaural is my first choice for getting incredibly deep and therapeutic trance states with my clients.
David Bentley David Bentley, I have been making relaxation recordings for mental self help and health improvement since 1979. As a pathfinder in EEG ( brainwave monitoring and entrainment ) I understand totally the effects of sound and music on the human mind and body. The recordings offered from your website are without doubt some of the most effective I have ever used and recommend them to my clients whole heartedly

© 2013 – The Most Powerful Brainwave Entrainment Meditation Music Of Its Kind